Global Seed Grant Activity Board

[The Smart Environmental Networks, Africa] Promoting environmental education and justice through religious diversity in Ghana

2023-07-25 13:19

1. Project description

Environmental sustainability challenges pose a serious threat to human and animal life and the environment as individuals and organizations ridiculously engage in illegal mining, burn hazardous substances, and dump waste in the open space and into water bodies, causing flooding and other hazards due to ignorance in Ghana. This project aims to educate communities on dangers associated with environmental injustice at community levels and to create awareness by training 600 religious leaders on eco-education who would intend train others in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The plan of activities is: to mobilize 600 religious leaders as master trainers on sensitization on environmental awareness and justice; organize training on environmental preservation and sustainability; and supervise the master trainers to organize step-down training workshops for their local Assemblies. 


2. Project progress up to now

Ø  The project has chalked good progress since its inception on the 1st of May 2023. The first task the team embarked on was to zone the Ashanti region (the project area) for the mobilization of religious leaders. Figure 1 shows the zones of the project site.

Figure 1: Map of Kumasi Metropolis



Within these zones, the project team made initial contacts and meet-ups with 500 religious leaders in Kumasi at both the places of worship and at their head offices within the period of 6th to 21st May 2023. The leaders of the following religious groups took part in the initial meeting:

a)     Christianity

1.     Pentecostal/Charismatic–Sampled churches are The Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God, International Central Gospel Church

2.     Orthodox- Sampled Churches are the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church of Ghana, the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Anglican Church, and The Seventh Day Adventist Church

3.     Other Christians - Jehovah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Witness

b)    Islam

1.     Sunni

2.     Tijaniyya

3.     Qadiriyya

4.     Ahmadiyya

5.     Shia

c)     African Traditional Religion

d)    Hinduism/Buddhism

e)     Others


Ø  Training programme: The three (3) sessions of Training-of-Trainers (TOT) have been organized successfully. Below are the sample invitation cards sent out to our target religious bodies. Prior to the training activity, data on the knowledge level of environmental issues of the leaders were collected.



The sessions were organized as follows:


1st Session

Date: Saturday, 3rd June, 2023

Venue: Opoku Ware Hall

In attendance: Leaders from the Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God, Catholic Church, Ahmadiyya Muslim, Shia Muslim, and Hinduism.


2nd Session

Date: Saturday, 24th June, 2023

Venue: Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly

In attendance: Leaders from International Central Gospel Church, the Methodist Church, Qadiriyya Muslim, and Buddhism.


3rd Session

Date: Saturday, 22nd July, 2023

Venue: Prempeh Assembly Hall

In attendance: Leaders from Presbyterian Church, the Anglican Church, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Jehovah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Witness, Sunni Muslim, Tijaniyya Muslim, and African Traditional Religion


3. Project plan forward


The Smart Environmental Networks Africa (SENsA), will be embarking on the supervision of the master trainers to organize a step-down training for the larger congregation. It is expected that the training would have the butterfly effect where environmental education and justice training would be achieved.  The supervising work has been scheduled as follows:

28th July 2023: Ahmadiyya Muslim, Shia Muslim

29th July 2023: Hinduism, Buddhism

30th July 2023: Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God

11th August 2023: Jehovah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Witness, African Traditional Religion

13th August 2023: Catholic Church, International Central Gospel Church

25th August, 22023: Qadiriyya Muslim, Sunni Muslim, Tijaniyya Muslim

26th August 2023: Seventh Day Adventist Church

27th August 2023: Presbyterian Church

10th September 2023: Methodist Church

24th September 2023: Anglican Church



The first survey has been conducted and we are expecting to conduct the final survey in October 2023.



To round up the six-month activity, the final mop-up exercise would be done, and the final report is to be submitted without delay.


4. Photos

Plate 1: Initial meeting with some leaders of religious bodies


Plate 2: Dr. Bour and Dr. Adu, in a group discussion with the youth leaders from various religious bodies.

Plate 3: Group picture of team members with leaders in the first session.

Plate 4: Dr. Stella Eunice Nyarko, addressing participants during the third session at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly Hall.

Plate 5: Dr. Stella Eunice Nyarko, addressing participants at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly Hall.


Plate 6: Dr. Buor, Dr. Adu, and Dr. Nyarko meeting with religious leaders  /  Plate 7: Dr. Buor, Dr. Adu, and Dr. Nyarko meeting with religious leaders


Plate 8: A youth leader asking questions during the second session


Plate 9: Other interactions during the second session / Plate 10: Other interactions